Formation (2017-2018)
Incorporate in Iowa
Register in Illinois as a foreign entity and for charitable solicitation
File IRS Form 1023 to receive 501 (c) (3) tax exemption status
Start-Up Fundraising, Grants, & Program Development
Engage the community with multiple fundraiser events
Apply for grants
Therapeutic gardening workshops
Community garden
Apply to become an Iowa Medicaid HCBS provider
Provide SCL and respite in the evenings and on weekends
Land and Program Expansion
Acquire land & begin development
Provide SCL and respite services in the evenings and on weekends
Engage the community with multiple fundraiser events
Apply for grants
Expand Programming
Provide services throughout the week
Apply for CARF accreditation
Housing Development
Engage the community with multiple fundraiser events
Apply for grants
Residential Programs
Welcome Residents and Continue Day Programs
Provide various Iowa Medicaid and Iowa Medicaid waiver services
Engage the community with multiple fundraiser events
Apply for grants